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‘Tis the season to feel Too Busy, overwhelmed, and out of control!
You may abandon yourself to caring for others, lose touch with the activities that make you feel good and keep you balanced, and find yourself indulging in compensating activities that meet a need in the moment but leave you feeling crummy later. Also – it’s dark! And cold! It’s hard to translate the movement that works for you in friendlier climates to this challenging season. You might be tempted to isolate, watch Netflix, and just wait for winter to be over.
Winter offers us an invitation to slow down and recenter. What if... could transform the holiday rush into a reflection of the desires you unearth – to balance care for friends, family, and self, to quietly recharge between social occasions, to generate and embody warmth and connection, steadiness and calm, to enjoy the gifts of the winter outdoors, to discover how best to support and love yourself, and to feel proud of and inspired by sustaining self-care through a challenging season?
How? Together, we can.
Your Self-Care Streak will help you identify and sustain your favorite and most effective self-care activities through the duration of our class and beyond. We’ll create supportive and wise community both online and in-person.
We’ll meet for discussion and support online at 7pm on Wednesday evenings, 11/29, 12/6, 12/13, and 12/20.
On Saturday mornings at 9am in parks around Bend, we'll meet for all-paces-and-distances-welcome movement , followed by optional but highly recommended social time over coffee! Please note last date... 12/2, 12/9, 12/16 and 1/6.
Together we’ll inspire each other to create the calm and bright holiday season we yearn for!
Your Self-Care Streak is $150.
2023 Dates and Times TBD - sign up for updates!
We'll meet on Zoom on Wednesday evenings.
These 40-60 minute sessions will be recorded. Join us even if you can't make every session, or live outside of Bend!
We'll meet in-person, around and about Bend, on Saturdays.
Walk or run, at your own pace, whatever distance suits you, over ~45 minutes. We'll visit a local coffee shop afterward!
Fall 2022 participants were asked,
What did you gain through your participation in Your Self-Care Streak?

I'm thinking about self-care more holistically. I'm asking myself how I can be my favorite self, rather than my best self. I've been a disciple of delight for some time, so I really loved the focus on delight and moments of ordinary bliss.

I see the need to make time for myself and put it into action!
Realizing that more things can be considered self-care, even walking outside and taking a few deep breaths. Trying to find more ways, even if small and quick to get some self-care in.

Lots of good guidance on creating routine, having a variety of activities, and determining my WHY for self-care.
I remembered I need to care for myself in order to care for others.
Your guide
I am a Duke-certified Health Coach, an RRCA-certified running coach, and a longtime massage therapist. I'm convinced that people who are exploring new movement, new habits, or new dreams for themselves need safe spaces, wise community, and abundant welcome.
I long to revel and rest in a winter that is quiet, stark, and brilliantly lit by stars… like you. I hope you’ll join us in this exploration.

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